
Branded cover photos and background images

Cover images is the first thing your users sees when they come to your social network page. Make sure to give them a wow impression on your brand, product, services….etc.

Make images part of your strategy

82% of marketers said images were important/very important to their marketing strategies according to a study/survey done by  Adobe and Software Advice.

In other words, if you have a product you better start your page on one of these photos centric platforms like Instagram or Pinterest.

Hashtags are the new keywords, use to reach new audiences

If you still don’t understand how hashtags work, then try to read A Scientific Guide to Hashtags: How Many, Which Ones, and Where to Use ThemA Scientific Guide to Hashtags: How Many, Which Ones, and Where to Use Them. Think of hashtags as the new keywords/keyword phrases for search, it’s the best way we have of making our posts and tweets as ‘findable’ as possible.

Using the correct hashtags with the correct keywords allow users searching for the topic to find you.

Link to your other social networks

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One of the easiest ways to activate your brand loyalists on another social platform is to tell them about it. Simple updates informing fans that you just launched an Instagram account can do the trick, but the time the post sits in the feed (regardless of social network) is ephemeral.

A good CTA can make a great difference

Include strong calls to action in your social media posts as way as you do with your website and advertising materials.

It’s important to direct your fans and followers to your goals in order to achieve your objectives. Some users need that direction, other don’t. So a good example is to use ‘Please ReTweet’  on Twitter and/or ‘Please Help’.


Whether you’ve already established a social media presence for your business or you’re just getting ready to create your first Facebook Page and Twitter Profile, the Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles course will teach you the essential elements of each social network profile you must focus on before you hit “Publish.”

Below is your link to a valuable course offered by Hootsuite–the social relationship platform–team, each lesson in this course will focus on one social network and dive into the details of maximizing the strength of their unique features so you can confidently put together a powerful Twitter profile, Facebook Page, Instagram profile and LinkedIn Company page.