
Traffic Analysis Can Reduce Bounce Rate Tip #4:

How important is it to reduce your bounce rate? In a previous post Bounce Rate Tip #2; I explained that bounce rate is one of the metrics that affect your conversions and should be checked regularly. Today I will try to discuss how to reduce your bounce rate by...

What spiders want from web designers?

As a web designer what you should know in order to build a search engine friendly website, what points you need to cover and what tools you need to use. First let’s all agree that we professional web designers do write good semantic markup and not the old fashion...

Bounce Rate Tip #2

Hello again, It seems that I still have some time during this long weekend to open a new topic that will help us understand more and more on the data coming from the web analytic tool we are using. In my previous post I talked about conversion ratio and how important...

Traffic & Referrals tip #3

Deep measurement Wow, how fast weeks pass these days. Hope you all had a great week full of good output and enjoyed these spring days. Today I will discuss the traffic of your website, where do you receive it, who is your referrals and what’s their relation with...

Conversion ratio tip #1

This shall be my first post related to web analytic; I will try to make my words as smooth as possible since I’m new in the writing world. Conversion ratio or rate is a very important metric that’s something all analytic geeks agree upon, how it will be used and how...